Historic Dive Bars of Northeast Minneapolis Talk and Reading 2/21 at the Terminal Bar

Thanks to a fortuitous exchange a while back, I have the honor of taking the stage at The Terminal Bar in Northeast Minneapolis to give a brief talk and reading about one of my favorite topics: historic bars in Minneapolis.

I gave a talk on local bar history a few months ago over on Saint Paul's East Side and it was a smashing success, and thought it would be fun to present a similar blab that focuses, this time, on Minneapolis history.

As you might know, Minneapolis' Terminal Bar is one of the treasures of the local dive bar scene, a tribute to its owners Flem and Annette. Flem died a little while ago, but Annette is still holding the fort down and has forgotten way more about local bar history than I'll ever know.

I'll be giving a history talk, then reading from my two booklets, Noteworthy Dive Bars of Inner and Outer Northeast, and then we'll have a Q&A discussion from the stage of the Terminal. I'll also have all of my (in print) booklets available for purchase.

Please come by next week. I'm excited about it and promise it will be fun.

What: Talk and reading about historic bars in Northeast Minneapolis
When: Wednesday 2/21 at 7:30 pm
Who: Anyone, the event is free!
Where: The Terminal Bar
Why: Because I am bored

[Terminal Bar Highlights.]


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